When was the last time you remodeled your office and lobby space? First impressions are critical to wowing clients. And our employees are more productive when they have workspaces that fit their needs. In many, if not most firms, our workspaces have not kept up with the times. Is it time for some new thinking?
Former Quick Printers
Some firms started out as quick printers with the typical walk-in lobby and production area in the rear. With growth, owners fell out of love with walk-in business as they transitioned to commercial printers. The lobby became useless space and was often re-purposed as production area or as a makeshift conference room. Sometimes, the production area expanded by leasing space next door and taking it as it was. The result is often a less than professional and dated environment.
Carl and his wife, Judy, owned and operated their own successful Allegra franchise for nearly 20 years before selling the $2.3 million operation in 2003. He is a PrintImage International/NAQP Honorary Lifetime Member and was inducted into NAPL’s prestigious Soderstrom Society in 2010 in recognition of his contribution to the industry.