Mr. Magazine, Good Housekeeping Editor Discuss Why Print is Still Relevant in Digital Age
I spoke with Jane (Francisco) recently and we talked about her two-year anniversary with Good Housekeeping after a successful tenure as editor in chief of Chatelaine, the leading women’s lifestyle media brand in Canada. We also discussed the multifaceted extensions that the brand is showcasing in this new year of 2016, such as the inaugural Best New Car Awards for 2016 that GH teamed up with Car and Driver magazine to introduce, the celebration of The Year of the Connected Woman, which they have deemed 2016 to be, and the special themed issue in September tied to the year of The Connected Woman.
All in all, 2016 is lining up to be the magazine's best year yet. And according to its editor-in-chief, it will only get better and stronger in every area, with each successive year to come.