It’s no mystery why most of what we design for print ends up in a rectangular format, but it can be easy to forget that perimeter shape is a tool in our design toolbox.
So, I thought it would be fun to share three of my favorite shaped Roll folds with you this week.
What’s super-cool about these formats:
- All three feature rolling panels, finishing to entirely different shapes. Although they have a common thread (rolling panels), each shape provides a very different opening experience.
- There is also tremendous variation in the concept and the purpose of each brochure. One is a self-promotional piece, one is an event invitation, and one is a corporate capabilities brochure.
- Skilled production details are evident in all three — shaped Roll Folds are very tricky to set up, and it takes expertise to set up the production dieline correctly. All of these are very well planned and executed.
This is a fun one. I hope you find these designs as inspiring as I do.
How was the 3 Shaped Roll Fold Brochure Ideas produced?
Folding Style: Shaped Roll Fold
Sample #1: Design - Real Art / Production - Think Patented / Client - Ascend Innovations
Sample #2: Design - Stensland Design / Production - V3 Printing / Client - Ganna Walska Lotusland
Sample #3: Production - HM Graphics (now JR Dimensional) / Client - John Deere
Finishing: Diecut, Score, Hand Fold
Budget Rating: Moderate

Trish Witkowski is Chief Folding Fanatic at the online community She holds a bachelor of fine arts degree in graphic design and a master of science degree in Graphic Arts Publishing from Rochester Institute of Technology's School of Printing Management and Sciences (now the School of Print Media).
An award-winning designer, Trish held the position of creative director for a Baltimore-based agency for six years, and has taught design and desktop publishing at the college level. She has a specialized expertise in the area of folding and is the creator of the FOLDRite™ system, a 2004 GATF InterTech™ Technology Award winner.
Trish frequently publishes articles for graphic arts industry publications, and has written three books on the topic of folding: A Field Guide to Folding, Folding for the Graphic Arts: A Teacher's Handbook, and FOLD: The Professional's Guide to Folding.