Todd Nuckols has been named president of Charleston, WV-based CPrint International, an organization of more than 100 independently owned, family-based print shops. CPrint supplies training, specialty software, onsite visits, board meetings and mentoring programs for its affiliates in North America.
The 2010 officers of Printing Industries of America were recently installed. They include: chairman, Bill Gibson, vice president of sales, Trico Graphics; first vice chairman, Michael Keene, president and CEO of The John Roberts Co.; second vice chairman, Laura Lawton-Forsyth, president of Lawton Printing and File-EZ Folder; secretary, Timothy Burton, chairman and president of Burton & Mayer; treasurer, Hal Slager of Trico Graphics; and immediate past chairman, Ken Kaufman, president of Omniprint Inc. Also joining the board of directors are John Raithel of KBA North America; Richard Sevigny of Chromatic Inc. Lithographers; and Gina Testa of Xerox Corp.