“It is within my power to give, and my choice is to give back,” Weber maintains. “I see my print operation as an opportunity to connect with others that need another chance to succeed.”
Water—The Source of Life
While you’re chugging back that bottle of cold, spring water, consider these facts: The need for clean water now affects one in six worldwide. Currently, 1.1 billion people on the planet lack access to clean, safe drinking water. More than 4,500 children die each day from diseases caused by a lack of safe drinking water and proper sanitation. In sub-Saharan Africa, a baby’s chance of dying from diarrhea is almost 52 times greater than in the United States. Diseases like diarrhea are caused by drinking contaminated water and kill more than 2.2 million people each year—the equivalent of 20 jumbo jets crashing every day.