CreoScitex--Inside the Creo Momentum
At Seybold Boston, however, the two were still competitors—although perhaps a bit more friendly than usual. Regulatory reviews of the Creo takeover are still in process, but Brown is hopeful that DRUPA 2000 will mark the first official showing of Creo/Scitex as a combined prepress entity.
PI: When Creo exhibited at DRUPA 1995, the company was approximately 350 employees strong and a strategic ally of Kodak. At that time, Creo's attitude was zealous, invigorating, kind of a David and Goliath feel, with your company, obviously, being the thermal CTP version of the heroic biblical figure, David. Entering DRUPA 2000 in May, Creo is roughly 1,600 employees strong and the owner of the digital prepress division of Scitex—which adds another 2,600 employees to Creo's worldwide entity. You're no longer the small player and, in fact, are truly formidable. How did this happen?