“I thought it was a very successful Duo meeting. Attendance was up, and we had 16 first-time attendees. Both guest speakers, Tom and Dov, were well received. Specifically, I was excited to hear that Dalim Software intends to use the Adobe(r) PDF Print Engine in their workflow applications,” remarks Brent Kantola. “While I personally want to deliver a tremendous ‘thank you’ to Lee Edberg of Brown Printing who, as outgoing president, did a great job to refocus our meetings, I am also looking forward to working with Steven White. For future meetings, I foresee more targeted technology sessions that address very specific user needs. For example, new users have different requirements than experienced users. Larger, multi-site printers have different issues than smaller printers. I would like to identify these groups, break out into smaller sessions, and participate in very beneficial dialogs.”
- Companies:
- DALiM Software