GOA 2012 Holds Its 37th Annual Showcase this Week
10 am - 5 pm
• Pedro Padilla, IHPS expert from HP will be answering questions about the latest Inkjet Web Presses as the new rotary.
• Print unlimited applications using eco-friendly latex technology and discover a world of business opportunities -- with Alfonso Spinola.
Ryan says that this year’s exhibitors have fully engaged in this year’s show. “It is quite impressive and inspiring to watch exhibitors, first hand, get so excited about being a part of an event that has become so impactful, for so many. Attendees are really in for a treat when they see the lengths these companies have gone to in setting the stage for such a worthwhile few days, which will set the course for years to come.”
To register for GOA 2012, or for more information, please visit www.goa2012.com.
About Printing Association of Florida (PAF)
The Printing Association of Florida is one of the most active and influential printing associations in North America, with headquarters in Orlando, Fla. More than 400 Florida-based graphic arts companies consider PAF their ultimate business partner. Governed by an all-volunteer board of directors elected by its membership, PAF is a not-for-profit association representing the interests of the graphic arts industry throughout the state. PAF is affiliated with Printing Industries of America, the world’s largest graphic arts trade association, making PAF members a part of the largest, most comprehensive graphic arts advocacy organization in the world.