Constitutional Grandstand Could Cost Taxpayers
WASHINGTON, DC—Perhaps members of Congress could have the Constitution tattooed on their arms and chest for future reference. That would be cheaper for the taxpayers than a GOP requirement for future bills, according to a finding reported by a blogger for The Hill.
The Republican House rule requires new legislation introduced to cite constitutional language that authorizes it. But one Democratic Congresswoman was compelled to fend off the slight, which essentially accuses her party of exceeding its constitutional authority during the last Congress, according to the blog. Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL) pointed out that these citations would set American taxpayers back $575,000 in Congressional Record printing costs, The Hill reported.
Superfluous spending would seem to fly in the face of the spending-conscious Republican agenda, though the spirit behind the rule further emboldens the political polarization. But who would argue that increased printing is a bad thing?