MIS, JDF and web2print successfully combined
Hiflex combined the leading edge technology of its JDF certified MIS and web2print solutions on the Hiflex iPhone portal and made critical information and remote capabilities available via the internet. The result was demonstrated live on the iPhone by the international Hiflex team during the show. Beside remote access to functionalities of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and estimate the demontrations included real-time JMF-feedback from cost centers including progress on the machine, make-readies, good sheets, waste sheets and percentage of job completion. For this the Hiflex server was connected to the live systems at KBA, MBO and Muller Martini’s booths at DRUPA and constantly received JMF-feedback from the production machinery that our partners installed on their respective stands. From the Hiflex iPhone portal, data was then transferred to the iPhone via the internet.