Idealliance Business Tools Provide a Competitive Edge
Real-time dashboard
Even the best investment decision is moot if a company cannot finance it. Keeping track of company financial performance is critical to understanding what and when a business can afford to invest—and waiting weeks or months to get such data can lead to missed opportunities and miscalculated decisions.
To provide companies with a real-time dashboard of their financial performance, Idealliance developed Leading Indicators, a web-based financial benchmarking program that creates a month-by-month profile of an individual company’s performance in areas such as revenue growth, productivity, and profitability. The program is administered by Paparozzi and sponsored by Konica Minolta (Booth 2031). There is no charge for participation, and confidentiality of information is assured.
“Leading Indicators not only offers an assessment of company performance in a dozen vital financial metrics, it does so in a timely fashion so the information can be accessed when it is needed to seize an opportunity or reverse a threatening trend,” says Paparozzi. “It can also present an instant snapshot of how a company’s performance compares to its industry peers, intelligence that can result in a real competitive edge.”
To learn more, visit Idealliance’s booth, call 703-837-1070, or visit