Idealliance (Booth 2067) recently completed a study of capital investment trends in the printing industry, and today, September 10, PRINT 17 attendees can get a briefing on the results. At 3:30 pm, in the Show Floor Learning Experience Theater (Booth 3861), join Idealliance’s Timothy Baechle and Andrew Paparozzi for “Capital Investment: Where Companies are Planning to Invest and Why” as they run down:
- Where companies have invested over the last three years.
- Where companies plan to invest over the next three years.
- Which metrics companies rely on most to make capital investment decisions.
- Which metrics companies use to monitor post-investment results
- How companies can improve their capital investment processes and outcomes.
- How manufacturers and suppliers can better support company decision-makers.
“Individual companies are taking actions to reduce costs, gain new business, and take other actions to improve profitability,” says Baeschle. “Stable macro indicators belie the upheaval in our industry, as companies of all sizes and types compete to enhance current capabilities and build new ones.”
Despite the doom-and-gloom talk about the state of the industry, Idealliance’s research found that many printers operate as their own entities, and often don’t pay special attention to overarching industry trends, or follow along in lockstep with what the industry at large is going to do.
“They have ambitious growth and profitability targets and carefully crafted plans for hitting these targets,” says Baeschle. “Prudent investment—in areas such as marketing and brand development, labor force development, and capital equipment—is a big part of those plans.”