ITC Says Certain Coated Paper from China and Indonesia Threatens U.S. Industry
WASHINGTON, DC—Oct. 22, 2010—The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that a U.S. industry is threatened with material injury by reason of imports of certain coated paper suitable for high-quality print graphics using sheetfed presses from China and Indonesia that the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has determined are subsidized and sold in the United States at less than fair value.
Chairman Deanna Tanner Okun and Commissioners Daniel R. Pearson, Shara L. Aranoff, Irving A. Williamson, and Dean A. Pinkert made affirmative determinations on the basis of threat. Commissioner Charlotte R. Lane made an affirmative determination.
As a result of the USITC's affirmative threat determinations, the DOC will issue antidumping and countervailing duty orders on imports of these products from China and Indonesia.
The commission's public report—“Certain Coated Paper Suitable for High-Quality Print Graphics Using Sheet-Fed Presses from China and Indonesia (Investigation Nos. 701-TA-470-471 and 731-TA-1169-1170), USITC Publication 4192 , November 2010”—will contain the views of the commissioners and information developed during the investigations. Copies may be obtained after Dec. 1, 2010, by emailing, calling 202-205-2000, or by writing the Office of the Secretary, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Requests may also be made by fax to 202-205-2104.
Product Description:
Certain coated paper and paperboard in sheets suitable for high quality print graphics using sheetfed presses; coated on one or both sides with kaolin (China or other clay), calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, and/or other inorganic substances; with or without a binder; having a GE brightness level of 80 or higher; weighing not more than 340 grams per square meter; whether gloss grade, satin grade, matte grade, dull grade, or any other grade of finish; whether or not surface-colored, surface-decorated, printed, embossed, or perforated; and irrespective of dimensions. Certain coated paper is typically (but not exclusively) used for printing multi-colored graphics for catalogues, books, magazines, envelopes, labels and wraps, greeting cards, and other commercial printing applications requiring high quality print graphics.
Source: Press release.