Peter Kuisle, manroland web systems GmbH, Sales, Service, and Marketing
Peter Kuisle, born in 1960, has been vice president sales web printing systems and product marketing for many years. He is responsible for the worldwide sales activities of newspaper printing systems and commercial presses. Also, Kuisle was chairman of several sales organizations. In his new position, in addition to the sales division, he leads the service and marketing divisions of manroland web systems GmbH.
Franz Gumpp, manroland web systems GmbH, Purchasing and Production
Franz Gumpp, born in 1966, focused on manufacturing technology during his studies. Gumpp led the inner assembly and technical services departments at the Augsburg production site and in his last position was responsible for the junction of the inner assembly of web press components in the production business unit. Within manroland web systems GmbH, he is responsible for the purchasing and production divisions.
- Companies:
- manroland