About Muller Martini
Muller Martini is the world’s largest producer of print finishing solutions for commercial and book printers, trade binderies and newspapers as well as short-run and digital book manufacturers. Muller Martini is also the world market-leading manufacturer of variable size web offset presses. The company is the foremost provider of innovative workflow solutions that can empower printers and binding specialists to enhance processing efficiencies, increase profitability and build new revenue streams. Muller Martini Corp., with U.S. headquarters in Hauppauge (Long Island), New York, serves as the leading source for bindery and printing expertise in the United States, providing nationwide sales and service support and customer-specific training and responsive service to printers and binderies coast-to-coast. The company operates a state-of-the-art manufacturing center in Newport News, Virginia along with Muller Martini Mailroom Systems, Inc., a comprehensive sales and manufacturing facility in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
- Companies:
- Muller Martini