PIA Pleased Drilling Ban Is Lifted
Proponents of expanding options for domestic energy production scored a major victory when the House passed legislation that would lift the Congressional moratorium on offshore drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). PIA and its allies in the "Secure Our Energy Coalition" have long advocated this move. The action removes another barrier to development of offshore oil and natural gas, and is part of a larger continuing appropriations act that the Senate will soon consider.
Congress will need to take further action to structure exploration permits and to consider revenue sharing with the coastal states before drilling can begin. The move is key symbolically, as Speaker Nancy Pelosi, concerned with the drilling's environmental impact, didn't want the moratorium to expire. PIA applauds the actions of the House and encourages Congress to continue working on legislative efforts that would lead to increased domestic production, and thus lower energy costs for manufacturers.
Stay tuned to gain.net for more up-to-date information on this and other issues critical to the printing industry.