The company will be showing Presstek-branded and partner products that offer the ability to improve the competitiveness, profitability and capability of printing firms worldwide, delivering A Smarter Way to Print. These include:
Computer-to-Plate Solutions
Compass Series Platesetters. At drupa, Presstek is introducing a new family of platesetters, which includes the Compass 4000 Series, 4-up platesetters, and the Compass 8000 Series, 8-up platesetters. This highly productive platesetting family, ranging in production speeds from 15 to 38 plates per hour, is ideal for a wide range of printing environments. Presstek Compass platesetters, imaging up to 250 lpi (100 l/cm), are offered for use with Presstek’s Aurora Pro chemistry-free plates and also image a range of low energy (830 nm laser) third-party thermal plates.
- Companies:
- Presstek Inc.