PRESTONE PRESS -- Leading the Way
Pictured with the Brooklyn Bridge in the
background are: Ira Wechsler, vice president
of operations; Robert Adler, president;
Tommy Politano, executive vice president;
Joseph Ciaffone, plant manager; and
Steve Amoroso, executive vice president.
Still, Amoroso and his partners felt that the benefits far outweighed the risks. "We needed a lot of space, and we really couldn't afford the Manhattan real estate prices. Plus, Manhattan doesn't really want commercial printing and other industrial tenants in the city any more," Amoroso reports. While the availability of space and low rent were attractive to Prestone, Amoroso and his partners knew that they would have to go the extra mile to coax their clients out of Midtown. So they brought in planners and architects to design their new operation.