And, to counteract the problem of counterfeit, often inferior, spare parts being sold as original Heidelberg parts, certified mechanical and electrical spare parts installed by a Heidelberg technician are now covered by warranties.
On the sales front, the big news out of the Heidelberg camp was the announcement that Bell Inc., a Sioux Falls, SD-based folding carton producer, would become the first company in North America to install a 64˝ Speedmaster XL 162 VLF press. The formerly all-web shop opted for a six-color with aqueous coater configuration, including the Prinect Press Center with Intellistart and integrated Wallscreen.
Mark Michelson now serves as Editor Emeritus of Printing Impressions. Named Editor-in-Chief in 1985, he is an award-winning journalist and member of several industry honor societies. Reader feedback is always encouraged. Email