Print Buyer Behaviors Impact Printers and Suppliers
The new relationships forged often remove geography from the equation. Print sourcing may, or may not be local—especially when the application is not time-sensitive.
There are several major implications for manufacturers of equipment and suppliers to the graphic communications industry. According to the study, “when articulating the value of new technologies, not only must suppliers ensure that the print service provider understands the return on investment for his own business, but suppliers must also help printers understand the return on investment these new products and services can deliver to their customers.” Manufacturers need to be involved in a partnership with their printer customers (and on their own) providing education to the print originators and marketers about the various technologies and benefits of new technologies or processes, for example: print-on-demand, versioning, mailing and fulfillment, or one-to-one marketing. They might also provide education on reengineering their business processes to save time or money.