You gain company orientation for your employer when you know the company well and speak about it with passion. When there is passion, then a discussion about your company just flows beautifully. If there's no loyalty and no passion, then you should be working somewhere else.
If you are one of these negative, recalcitrant, pessimistic dolts, get out of my sight. These people are sour. They've got nothing good to say about anything. If that's the case, I don't want you. Get out of my company! If you come to work aiming to seek out fellow complainers in the coffee room, then don't bother to come to work. Too much time is wasted in our industry in bitch sessions. Either fall in love with the company you work for, and aim positively to make it better, or go beach comb. If you don't have a positive attitude, you are probably not a good salesperson anyway.