Ryan Leaves PIA/GATF for PAF
ORLANDO, FL—George Ryan is playing association musical chairs.
The executive vice president and COO of the PIA/GATF is on the move. Ryan will take the helm as president and CEO for the Printing Association of Florida (PAF), effective in October.
Ryan replaces Michael Streibig, who announced he would retire at year’s end. The two will work together to ensure a smooth transition process.
It was at the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation that Ryan left his mark, serving as president from 1994 until 2003, when the association merged with Printing Industries of America. Prior to joining GATF, Ryan held a number of senior positions at the Rochester Institute of Technology, including director of the school for printing management.
At RIT, Ryan was credited with leading the development of a state-of-the-art curriculum and obtaining equipment donations worth $3 million. As associate dean, he managed a $10 million training division and reorganized it to reflect the academic mission of the school.
“While I’m excited to take over the reins of one of the most successful PIA/GATF affiliates, it will be difficult to leave my staff, peers and the leadership of the PIA/GATF,” Ryan said in a statement. “Mike Streibig’s contribution to Florida’s printing and graphic arts industry has been significant and his 14-year position as president and CEO will be a hard act to follow.”
A CEO search committee, consisting of PAF Chairman Bill Maguire and Larry Kudeviz, a member of the board, led the effort to find Streibig’s replacement.