Shweiki Media Presents a Twitter Training Webinar
A Twitter follower is a user with an account that chooses to "follow" the content posted under a particular account name. While as an account owner, you can choose to "follow" the accounts you find interesting (and therefore see those selected users' content daily on your Twitter feed), real power lies in having a large group "following" for your said account. If a user or business wants to gain influence in the Twitter world, they need to be posting content that makes stranded users want to follow them. The larger the number of followers an account accumulates, the larger the audience is receiving the message, and the greater number of accounts there will be "re-tweeting" or sharing your proposed content and passing it forward to their own followers.
Twitter Lists
Once a Twitter account has been live for a while, and their follower/following numbers have gotten substantial, it's recommended that the users start organizing account information into lists. Lists are helpful in segmenting one's account followers into groups and cutting through feed clutter. For example, if one is running a Twitter account for a physical therapy office, it might be helpful to the account host if they created different lists separating their clients into athletes, those who've had car accidents, those who need knee replacements, etc. Once a list is created, all an account manager has to do is click on whatever list they have created and all accounts under the list umbrella will show in their Twitter feed, making it easier to find the users that they're looking for.