Spartanics Announces Exhibit Plans for GRAPH EXPO
Mike Bacon, Spartanics VP, comments, “GRAPH EXPO attendees that have not seen what state-of-the-art laser die cutting technology can achieve, will not only be able to see Finecut technology in action but also ask our sales experts about their specific application requirements and whether rotary die cutting, laser die cutting, hard tool blanking systems or steel rule die cutting systems—all technologies that Spartanics offers—are best-fit for their application requirements. Better yet, if samples are brought to Spartanics booth #2645 by October 5, we will be able to give free and detailed engineering analyses and demonstrations of cutting precision and speed with the range of tool-based and tool-free cutting options now available to worldwide printers, converters, and other GRAPH EXPO attendees.”
- Companies:
- Spartanics Ltd.