These 20-Under-40 Up-and-Coming Printing Industry Executives Share Their Success Stories

The elder Marcian did not coddle his oldest son in those early years. Knowing what was at stake, the senior Marcian passed along some tough lessons to his son.
"I believe he saw a potential that even I didn't realize and, at times, it was very difficult. But one thing is for sure. I wouldn't be half as effective had he not risked our personal relationship to mold me as a leader for the good of the company, our employees and their families," Marcian notes. "My father's not a man of many words, but when he talks, people listen. I often remember one question he asked me early in my career when I told him something couldn't be done, which was, 'Are you telling me you are unwilling or unable?' I didn't answer. I just turned around with an understanding—the only answer was that I was definitely willing."