This week, Structural Graphics highlights luxury packaging and how important it is to package a product in a way that truly reflects a specific brand. In conjunction with TracyLocke, Structural Graphics created premium VIP kits for Samsung containing the new Samsung Gear Fit models (click on the image below).
This premium packaging, including the Gear Fit, Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo, was sent to everyone from carrier retail stores to VIP's.
To see a slideshow of the Samsung premium VIP kits click here.
To see some of Structural Graphics other luxury packaging projects that were recently on display at Luxe Packaging event in NYC click here.
About Structural Graphics
Structural Graphics introduced the world to dimensional print marketing in 1976 and has been leading the charge ever since. And as the world changes, our capabilities and service offerings continue to evolve.
For over three decades, we’ve helped market many of the most influential brands. And we’ve done this by delivering attention-getting solutions that stop people in their tracks.