The Next Stage in Composition -- McIlroy
There's little general knowledge to be gained from these mail lists, and not much sense that delaying an FO implementation will leave you very far behind the crowd.
Arguably the biggest potential for FO today is just creating better print output from Web browsers. As G. Ken Holman points out in his XSL-FO tutorial, "We often take the printed form of information for granted, yet how many of us are satisfied with the print-screen functionality from a Web browser? How many times have you printed a lengthy Web document and found the paginated result to be as easily navigated as the electronic original?. . . When we want to produce a paginated presentation of our XML information, we necessarily must offer a different set of navigation tools to the consumers of our documents. These navigational aids have been honed since bound books have been used: headers, footers, page numbers and page number citations are some of the characteristics of printed pages we use to find our way around a collection of fixed-sized folios of information."