The Union First to Install Agfa' New Advantage N-SL CTP System
With its unique violet laser imaging system, Advantage N combines speed and reliability for small to mid-size newspaper and coldset web printers. Violet laser diodes provide a lifetime of use with the lowest cost of ownership.
The Advantage N-SL is designed to handle both AgfaGraphics' current N91-V and the new chemistry-free N92-VCF plate. The :Advantage N-SL can image up to 100 plates per hour, features automatic plate loading from a 100-plate stack loader, and offers on-line processing.
The new Advantage N family of platesetters combines the best of all previous generations into four new exciting models, including the manual Advantage N-M and Advantage N-SA, and the automatic plate loading Advantage N-SL and the Advantage N-DL.
About The Union / Swift Communications
The Union (, a Swift Communications publication, serves Western Nevada County, California. Swift Communications ( owns and operates more than 30 newspapers and portal web sites. Their publishing companies are full service printers providing graphics, layout, printing and distribution services.
According to Jim Hemig, Chief Information Officer at Swift Communications, "We already have Agfa CtP across all our sites and are very satisfied. We knew we wanted to have consistent and reliable production throughout the corporation, so Agfa was our 1st choice when it came to buying more systems."