The respondents further argue that the lower prices in 2009 were a result of the black liquor subsidies, citing statements by NewPage in its SEC filings and, in its 2009 Annual Report, NewPage does say that the black liquor subsidies were passed on to customers: "We believe the decline resulted primarily from the benefits of the alternative fuel mixture credit being passed on to customers, the negative effects of imports of coated paper from China and Indonesia, which we believe are being sold in our markets at artificially low prices and lower demand..." However, it is not clear whether the subsidies themselves caused the lower prices, or whether the competitive nature of the marketplace caused the lower prices.

Jack Miller is founder and Principal Consultant at Market-Intell LLC, offering Need to Know™ market intelligence in paper, print and packaging. Previously, he was senior consultant, North America, with Pira International.
Known as the Paper Guru, Jack is the former director of Market Intelligence with Domtar, where he also held positions as regional sales manager, territory sales manager and product manager. He has presented at On Demand, RISI’s Global Outlook, PRIMIR, SustainCom World and at various IntertechPira conferences. Jack has written for Printing Impressions, Canadian Printer, Paper 360, PaperTree Letter and Package Printing, along with publishing a monthly e-newsletter, MarketIntellibits.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from The College of the Holy Cross and has done graduate studies in Statistics and Finance.