Value-Conscious Printers Nationwide Choose Heidelberg
The presence of three perfecting presses in its all-Heidelberg pressroom gives Pavsner the flexibility to turn work faster and more cost-effectively for his customers because, as Hilliard maintains, “The printer that can do the work more quickly gets the job. It’s as simple as that.” The company is currently working its way through a Heidelberg Start-Up Performance Kit containing Saphira press wash, fountain solution, blankets and other supplies, and has been pleased with the results. As to the value of owning a Heidelberg, “We’re long-term thinkers, so it has always made sense for us to rely on a press supplier whose equipment is built for the ages and whose reputation is as solid as Heidelberg’s,” Hilliard said. “Reliability is the key to customer service, and we know that our Heidelberg presses will print the same way they do now in five or ten years’ time. These days, there’s no margin for error. By choosing Heidelberg, we make good on our promise to deliver a quality product to our customers as quickly as possible.”