Value-Conscious Printers Nationwide Choose Heidelberg
Cavanaugh also has introduced a second 2-color Speedmaster 102-P to its all-Heidelberg pressroom lineup. “It’s the first perfecting press we’ve ever owned that can perfect on coated stocks without slurring or marking,” Atwell said. “The SM 102 perfector delivers the highest quality 2-color work we have ever seen. The company also operates a 6-color Speedmaster CD 102 straight press, a pair of 54” POLAR 137 ECM cutters with jogger, and a total of six continuous-feed and signature Stahlfolders. Atwell understands the value of sticking with a supplier he knows and trusts. With Heidelberg, he said, “We get the total package: outstanding quality, the best service, high residual value” and the “brilliant” Systemservice36 service coverage, which provides just the right security for Cavanaugh’s high-dollar press investment.