Printers contemplating metadata services take note: Graphic and literary conversions should be tagged in premedia to generate new revenues. Direct mail, outdoor and premium sales in combination will scream.
Sounds Like Growth
Toys and games ($0.7B to print, +37 percent) and personal computers and peripherals ($1.5B to print, +5 percent) are designing into the wildly successful iPod/iTunes video/audio players. The platform for Disney’s “Mix Max,” aimed at “tweens” (9- to 13-year-olds), is open to any content provider, and will be a large consumer of packaging and promotion because there are no downloads.
Vincent Mallardi, C.M.C., is a the chairman of the Printing Brokerage/Buyers Association International (PBBA) and is a Certified Management Consultant in the paper, printing and converting industries. He is also an adjunct professor in economics. Contact him via email at