The foregoing guidance supersedes any guidance previously issued by the company. All such previous guidance should no longer be relied upon.
About non-GAAP financial measures
To supplement Vistaprint’s consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, Vistaprint has used the following measures defined as non-GAAP financial measures by Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, rules: non-GAAP adjusted net income, non-GAAP adjusted net income per diluted share, free cash flow and constant-currency revenue growth. The items excluded from the non-GAAP adjusted net income measurements are share-based compensation expense and its related tax effect, amortization of acquisition-related intangibles, tax charges related to the alignment of acquisition-related intellectual property with global operations, changes in unrealized gains and losses on currency forward contracts, and unrealized currency transaction gains and losses on intercompany financing arrangements and the related tax effect. Free cash flow is defined as net cash provided by operating activities less purchases of property, plant and equipment, purchases of intangible assets not related to acquisitions, and capitalization of software and website development costs. Constant-currency revenue growth is estimated by translating all non-U.S. dollar denominated revenue generated in the current period using the prior year period’s average exchange rate for each currency to the U.S. dollar and excludes the impact of gains and losses on effective currency hedges recognized in revenue in the prior year periods.