Paper, Pulp Packaging Representatives Discuss Proposals With Washington State Lawmakers
OLYMPIA, WA—February 23, 2015—Representatives of the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA), the American Wood Council (AWC) and the Northwest Pulp & Paper Association (NWPPA) met here with state lawmakers last week to discuss legislative proposals that would affect the almost 30,000 workers they represent.
Industry representatives shared with lawmakers details of the industry’s positive economic impact on Washington and its commitment to sustainable manufacturing leadership under AF&PA’s Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 initiative. They also discussed how proposed carbon cap-and-trade legislation should account for industry leadership on reducing emissions.
“Paper and paper-based packaging facilities in Washington are leaders on sustainable manufacturing practices and make products essential for everyday life from renewable and recyclable resources,” said Donna Harman, president and CEO of AF&PA. “Greenhouse gas legislation as proposed fails to recognize the industry’s sustainability leadership and we hope there will be changes to enable our industry to continue generating good jobs and economic growth for the state.”
One hundred and eighty-one pulp, paper, paper packaging and wood products facilities operate in Washington. These facilities employ almost 30,000 Washingtonians with an annual payroll of nearly $2 billion. Estimated state and local taxes paid by the industry total $203 million annually.
“The wood products industry in Washington directly provides thousands of family-wage jobs, most of which are located in and strengthen rural communities. Further, our products help mitigate carbon dioxide, a principal greenhouse gas, and improve the health of the state’s forests,” said American Wood Council President and CEO Robert Glowinski. “We look forward to continuing to work with the state legislature to recognize the good work already being done to benefit the environment for future generations, as well as to maximize our industry’s contributions to the state.”