Bob Cronin

Bob Cronin
M&A Strategies -- Ultimate Survivor's Guide

RECENT ECONOMIC events have left many of us feeling more like we’re auditioning for some “extreme challenge” reality series than running a business. Yet, the clamoring waves and munition shortage are not creating castaways of everyone. Many print companies thrive—in good times and bad—despite even the most harrowing circumstances.

What’s Fueling M&A Fever?

OUR INDUSTRY is experiencing some of the most exciting and significant changes it’s seen in decades. We’ve witnessed RR Donnelley’s brigade of acquisitions. We’ve observed Consolidated Graphics’ steady stream of buyouts and all-time-high stock prices. We’ve watched Cenveo’s hostile takeover attempt of Banta get usurped at an unmatchable premium. Seemingly, not a week goes by that you don’t hear about another big-dollar acquisition, mega-merger or stock deal. And, the activity isn’t just from the majors; graphic arts firms of all sizes are pursuing this new avenue for growth, fueling the interest and investment of the private equity community. The old view of print as