As part of your business impact analysis, you should assign recovery time objectives to each activity to help determine your basic recovery requirements. Your business impact analysis will help you develop your recovery plan, which will help you get your business running again if an incident does happen.
Dale Rothenberger
Most small businesses know what they should be doing, but don’t have the tools or experience on how to go about doing it. What follows is a suggested outline of a typical year-end annual review program.
Jobs created since the recession ended in 2009 have been centered around bringing in workers on a temporary assignment basis. This makes sense; it saves on benefits and gives management the flexibility to manage staffing without layoffs, etc. This new dynamic has created a need in how the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) looks at protecting the employee and who is responsible for their safety while working as a "guest employee" at your workplace.
How many of you are old enough to remember when OSHA introduced the MSDS and Right to Know programs into the American workplace? This was a disruptive time and quite sizable cost to most businesses to adopt this regulation into their workplace and employee introduction of the program details. Here we go again...
OSHA requires changes that are incorporated into the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and adopted new classification of hazardous materials to fall inline with a Universal identification system. These changes are now underway as the HCS aligns with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals utilized around the world. These revisions are significant and affect all employers who manufacture, distribute, store and use chemicals.