Peter Schaefer

Peter Schaefer

Peter Schaefer, partner at New Direction Partners, is an experienced dealmaker with more than 25 years of investment banking and valuation experience, 20 of which has been focused exclusively on the printing and packaging industries. He has closed more than one hundred transactions in virtually every segment of the printing and packaging industries. In addition, he has performed hundreds of valuations for ESOPs, estate and gift tax planning and strategic planning purposes. Contact him at (610) 230-0635, ext. 701.

M&A Slowdown in 2024: Not Likely

M&A activity remained robust in 2023 despite concerns. As financial buyers continue to play a significant role, this trend may last.

6-Step Guide to Successful M&As

Buying or selling a printing company often consists of a six-step sequence that owners can follow to reach a successful deal.

M&A Recap and Forecast for 2019

NDP is confident 2019 can be favorable for buyers and sellers of printing companies, here’s what to do in case it isn’t.

M&A: Fair to Middling to Marvelous

Recently, New Direction Partners spoke with a group of investors about structuring a multi-company transaction. It’s a conversation we wouldn't have expected to be having on behalf of printing firms just a few years ago.

Keys to Your Succession Plan

Do you, as the owner of a printing business, have a plan for no longer being the owner of that business?

A New Year of Opportunity for M&A Transactions

If you’ve been clocking mergers and acquisitions in the printing industry this year, you’ve had plenty to keep you busy. The fast pace of transactions in 2016 tells us that the market is sound and that many looking for opportunities to buy or sell have had little difficulty in locating them.