Time and time again we speak with sales leaders who refer to their salesforce as “hunters” and “farmers.” I believe these are outdated, over-simplistic stereotypes designed to drive the wrong behavior.
Become the Only Choice
I was recently participating in a training session designed to help transform the way sales organizations approach the business of client acquisition. As the discussion progressed, the topic turned to holding the rest of our sales teams accountable to the discipline of activity and performance and eliminating an “optional culture.”
Companies who are omphaloskeptic (i.e. inwardly focused) tend to be much less successful than those who are highly attuned to the needs of their customers and may miss market opportunities because they don’t see patterns in customer behavior.
In a recent Voice of the Customer survey, I asked my customer’s customer, “Are the objectives of the relationship being met?” The very quick response was, “absolutely.” Somewhat skeptical, my next question was, “How do you know?”
Not all satisfied customers are loyal. In fact, according to Bain and Company, 60% or more of customers who disappear, score themselves as satisfied or very satisfied just prior to switching suppliers! The good news is that you have a choice.
As an Executive Sales Leader, do you recognize your role, have the tools and demonstrate the necessary behaviors to drive consistency across your organization? It isn’t difficult to be consistent; however, there are key ingredients that must be maintained to be successful.