Most print buyers report being compensated on a straight salary basis, while straight commission or salary plus bonus plans are how the majority of print suppliers are compensated.
Connecting with Print Buyers
Printers participating in the Printbuyers Online survery have a significantly more negative view of the impact of the economy on print spend than print buyers.
Print Suppliers report being under tighter travel restraints, but the majority of Print Suppliers are also being kept in the office.
An overwhelming majority of Print Suppliers responding to this PBO survey report offering pURLs capabiliities, but only about a quarter of the Print Buyers said their companies are using the marketing technique.
Print buyers rate a printer's collateral material significantly higher than the printers themselves in terms of the importance in identifying a perspective supplier.
Only a slight majority of print buyers report requiring their printers to be on an approved supplier list, while by a wide margin printers say the trend is not increasing.