Business Management - Government/Governmental

Putting Print into Perspective
September 12, 2017 at 12:01 am

For Printing Industries of America’s President & CEO, Michael Makin, you can’t talk about trends in the print industry without also taking into account the events and environment going on in the rest of the world.

The Week That Was With Julie G (7/03/2017)
July 7, 2017 at 1:17 pm

This week, Julie Greenbaum highlights industry news about RR Donnelley entering into a three-year agreement with Vizient; Konica Minolta and Screen's collaboration in digital commercial printing; Bobst and Radex's launch of Mouvent; NPES's push for pro-growth tax reform in 2017; and PRINT 17 news, along with an exclusive interview with NPES President Thayer Long on PRINT 17. Be sure to visit to watch this video, as well as other videos highlighting what's in store for PRINT 17.