Business Management - Government/Governmental

At the fifth annual Print’s Voice Capitol Hill Fly-In, printing industry executives contacted 80 congressional offices.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the (USPS) emergency rates should not become permanent.
Direct mailers and consumers aren't getting the best possible USPS service they can receive and the "outrageous" delays need to end, say members of the American Postal Workers Union. While not mentioning the word "strike," union members say tomorrow they will "rally in more than 85 cities in 36 states across the country."
The global paper recycling rate stands at about 58 percent. Some developed countries have achieved as high as 70 to 75 percent.
CPO supports the PA Public Utility Commission’s proposed rule prohibiting state utilities from charging for paper billing statements.
A new analysis explains just how much the USPS benefits from the subsidies it receives from the federal government.
Not satisfied with alterations made to a rate change request submitted earlier, the PRC once again returned the request to the USPS.
Donna Harman, president and CEO, AF&PA, has issued the following statement supporting bills introduced yesterday.
CPO has submitted comments urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to maintain paper-format prescribing information.
Postal regulators have given the green light to the USPS to alter postage prices, a plan that will take effect beginning April 26.