Business Management - HR
Here are some tips that can help you foster and encourage growth within your business.
Rachel Thomas will join SGIA as the new director of exhibit services, handling all communication and coordination related to events.
In this week’s blog, Mike Philie explains why running a successful business isn’t a singles match, it’s a team game.
Here are some tips for attracting and retaining your next hire.
Marc Giroux has been named president of The Pazazz Group, effective immediately.
Domino announced it has named Eric Demyanovich its new digital printing service engineer.
How do you decide to promote or hire, based on what criteria and logic? There are two perspectives to consider.
As printers, we obsess over perfection, such as on the spectrum of color. But there is a different spectrum even more difficult.
R.R. Donnelley announced Elif Sagsen-Ercel has joined the company as chief strategy and transformation officer.
A year ago that I stood inside the GPO with the top three executives. Now, all three have retired and a ‘new’ director is on the way.