Business Management - HR

Gould Paper Announces Two Key Executive Vice President Appointments
June 25, 2015 at 12:54 pm

Gould Paper has appointed Joseph Ryan as executive vice president, North America; and Michael Trachtenberg as executive vice president, international. In their new roles, both will continue to report to David Berkowitz, president and CEO of the corporation.

Arandell Workers Featured in TV Ad for Milwaukee Transit System
June 10, 2015 at 10:50 am

Arandell Corp. has partnered with the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) to be featured in its newest TV ad campaign, "New Routes. New Moves. Transit and Jobs Go Together." The campaign includes a 30-second TV spot that highlights Arandell and some of its associates who ride to work on MCTS bus route #279, and how the new bus route is connecting workers to industrial parks in suburban communities.

Intercon Paper Opens Atlanta Converting Facility
April 21, 2014

Russ Woodlief has been hired to handle sales at Intercon Paper's new Atlanta converting facility. Woodlief has more than three decades of experience in paper converting and sales.