Business Management - Marketing/Sales
Bill and Kelly each came up with a list of timely sales challenges and share it live in this week’s Short Attention Span Sales podcast.
Albert’s primary objective will be building a well-structured global sales organization with a strong customer focus.
There are things in life that are just predictable, including the lack of follow-up by salespeople. That’s where the 90% rule comes in.
Robert Heithaus has been appointed as vice president of marketing at Tennessee-based Lewisburg Printing Company.
Are your 15 years of experience 15 years of accumulated experiences, or one year of experience repeated 15 times?
In this blog, Bill recounts an extraordinary sales experience he had buying coffee and talks about how to identify the sales gene.
As we move forward this year, it’s important to connect with customers and ask questions to help build a sound marketing strategy.
Should you use a script when calling on a customer? In this Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill gives his answer in a most unique way.
A lack of motivation translates to a lack of inspiration. In this week’s episode, Bill and Kelly talk about how this relates to sales.
Taking a new look at our existing key accounts may pave the way for clarity and growth.