Business Management - Marketing/Sales
Ever reach for the phone only to be met with uncertainty? Stop listening to the Doubter, and listen to this week’s Sales Tip instead.
Join us as we explore the importance of market research in gaining a competitive advantage.
Sales pros can enhance their pitches by using ChatGPT to identify buyers’ challenges and refine their messaging. Here is one example.
LinkedIn posts can help build a brand and get the phone ringing. So how do you get people to read them? Here’s a quick lesson.
Bill Gillespie recounts a haircut experience that demonstrated the importance of customer service. The lesson applies to sales too.
On a call with a prospective client, a little voice inside you speaks up. Bill Farquharson hears voices all the time and shares advice.
Through data, TRUSTbuilder brings fundraisers and brand builders together to collaboratively build brands donors trust.
Sales pitches are intimidating. The key is to approach this task like dating, with the goal to earn a second date.
One of the best ways a PSP can attain new business is through referrals. Here are some ways you can ask for them.
Bill Farquharson is all for Google reviews — when asked once. But to ask repeatedly, well, here is what he has to say about it.