Business Management - Marketing/Sales
How do you persuade potential buyers to invest time in a meeting with you? It starts by stepping out of your world and into theirs.
In a market where customer expectations and market trends are always changing – it’s essential to cultivate a modern image.
You think sales is tough? Try being a sales manager. This week, Bill offers three ideas for improvement in the world of herding cats.
Ever wonder about the guitar behind Bill in his sales videos? Today, we learn what it takes to succeed at something you really want.
Opportunities for sales are everywhere. Most of us just don’t pay enough attention. For this reason, I introduce the six foot rule.
I was at The UPS Store and a brochure with locked cross fold caught my attention. Here are three similar ideas from the archive.
The question: “How long should I call on a prospect before giving up?” is complicated. Bill discusses when to draw the line.
In this week’s blog, Bill rattles off three ideas for getting a new rep set up for success.
One common excuse I hear for not making sales calls is not having the answer to questions. Here is one simple solution.
The only hangover Bill had on New Year’s morning was due to his primary computer dying, leaving him with nothing for 48 hours.