Business Management - Productivity/Process Improvement

‘Never Again!’ And Then What?
January 9, 2012

I still shake my head in disbelief when receiving phone calls from desperate business owners—ones who have previously made a resolution to change the way they’d been doing business. “I’m tired of the same old mindless errors and working 12+ hours a day to keep up!”

RIT Formally Launches Printing Standards Audit Certification
May 18, 2011

By attaining PSA Certification, printers can objectively demonstrate that they have mastered the use of standards in the workflows they operate. PSA’s development began more than a year ago when professor Robert Chung of RIT’s School of Print Media surveyed standards assessment practices with international leaders.

Sheetfed Offset, Web Offset, Digital : Defining Crossover Points
May 1, 2011

In static sheetfed, web offset and digital printing, the term “crossover” denotes the number of impressions at which a per-unit cost advantage can be gained by switching a job from one process to another. Technological advancements continue to enable companies that offer all or most of these processes to be competitive over a wider range of jobs, extending the run length crossover between processes.

OPM, Digital Publishing Solutions
March 31, 2011

Learn how OPM, decreases turnaround time and expands their automated book solutions for major publishing customers.

Step by Step - Standard Work Reduces Errors & Downtime
March 1, 2011

To overcome the “best I can” mindset, management, staff and operators need standards and accountability—the establishment of standard operating procedures (SOPs). SOPs are only a component of what is known as “Standard Work.”

Standard Work is documented and followed best practice methods and procedures, as well as optimized operational metrics (setup and cycle times, downtime, waste and spoilage). It is developed in a team culture and followed by the people operating equipment or executing processes. Standard Work takes SOPs to a more tactical level than the ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard. Advantages of applying Standard Work include:

Print MIS – Managing Your Business and Increasing Efficiency
February 22, 2011

Management information systems (MIS) are the keystone of a successful printing operation. Senior management relies on these programs to evaluate overall company performance while production employees use the systems to communicate job data from virtually all departments, as well as to customers.

In this webinar, service providers will share:
* Critical requirements for successful implementation of MIS solutions
* How to enable unprecedented process automation - not only for internal manufacturing, but for external efforts (including Web-to-print) using JDF connectivity
* The benefits of MIS implementation: single entry, centralized data management, consistency, reduction in the number of errors, and transparent planning
* Recommendations for peers based on their own implementation experiences

Sponsored by Xerox

To view this webinar click here!:

Spanning the JDF Generation Gap
February 8, 2011

In this blog, I will discuss my prediction for the future of the print production workflow powered by JDF (Job Definition Format) and how this will reshape the way companies structure their workflows—from start to finish—in the near future.

Change Inspires Innovation: Monetizing Integrated Print Communications
January 18, 2011

Like it or not, change is the new normal in the graphic communications industry. Whether your organization is large or small, the challenges are the same:

* cut costs,
* manage risk,
* realize profits, and
* maintain customer loyalty.

    The ability to drive revenues depends on staying relevant to your customers. That takes having the expertise and solutions ready to meet their evolving marketing and communication needs.

    Hear how print service providers from both ends of the business spectrum have found success within a common competitive landscape by being innovative in uniquely different ways.

    Click here to view this free webinar today!

    Opening New Market Opportunities with Digital Technology
    December 1, 2010

    One of the key drivers for the printing industry is going to be digital technology. Digital printing offers personalization, cost savings, improved output options and the ability to migrate traditional offset volume to a value added digital services business model.

    This webinar explores emerging market opportunities driven by digital color printing (both toner based and inkjet) combined with the availability of an expanded array of substrates. You will hear from your peers in the industry about how they are tapping into direct mail market expansion, books on demand, photo merchandise and digital packaging by combining the right digital press with the right paper. 

    Key areas that will be explored include:
    1. Perspectives on the market growth areas for digital applications
    2. Case histories from service providers that are building new business models around on demand publishing, packaging direct marketing and photo merchandise and critical requirements for success
    3. Recommendations for participating in the market transition

    To view this free webinar, click here!