Business Management - Sustainability

Green Printing and Plastic: No Longer Strange Bedfellows
November 1, 2008

AS A society, we rely on plastic for its strength, resilience, flexibility, elasticity, durability and protective properties, characteristics that have not escaped the notice of print buyers and specifiers everywhere. As a result, many printers increasingly view printing on plastics as a way to differentiate themselves, while turning out products of higher value demanded by their customers—value they hope can be reflected in premium prices and higher profit margins.

Proving That You're Sustainable
November 1, 2008

MORE THAN ever, printers are being asked by their customers to prove their green credentials. In response to the demands for printers to create a creditable recognition program, the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP Partnership) was created. On August 28, the SGP Partnership began accepting applications from printers that want to be recognized for their efforts at being a sustainable green printer.

For Quad, It's Easy Being Green
November 1, 2008

AS THE largest privately held printer of magazines, catalogs and other commercial products in the Western Hemisphere—and the third-largest printer, public or private, in the nation—Quad/Graphics employs more than 12,000 people worldwide in 10 core domestic printing plants, as well as operations in Poland, Argentina and Brazil. With a resumé like that, it’s no wonder that being “green” is extremely important to this mega printer.

PRIMIR to Present Session on Sustainable Print at GRAPH EXPO
October 7, 2008

RESTON, VA—PRIMIR is about to release a new major research study entitled “Sustainable Print in a Dynamic Global Market:  What Going Green Means.”   Given the global dynamics at play, PRIMIR contracted with Pira International (UK) to complete this extensive research endeavor that defines sustainability and identifies the regulatory, economic, social and environmental drivers impacting the developed nations print supply chain players.

Go 'Green' From the Inside Out: How to Develop a Corporate Environmental Sustainability Program
October 7, 2008

Being a good corporate citizen starts at "home" with a comprehensive review of the environmental impact of your company's practices. From paper, water and energy conservation to waste management, recycling and commuting-the opportunities for doing business without needless harm to the environment are plentiful. What's more, solutions exist that save money and resources.

Click here to view this webinar today!

Seeking Nominations for William D. Schaeffer Environmental Award
October 6, 2008

PITTSBURGH, PA—October 6, 2008—Printing Industries of America/Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (PIA/GATF) is seeking to honor an individual who has unselfishly made significant contributions toward environmentally-sound practices in the printing industry. Nominations for the William D. Schaeffer Environmental Award are due November 3, 2008.

Sustainable Print Is Hot --Morgan
October 1, 2008

THE INTEREST and activity regarding sustainability in print in the past year has grown leaps and bounds with major buying organizations. Our research at Print Buyers indicates that print buyers are beginning to consistently seek new solutions and up-to-date advice on best practices for creating, buying or manufacturing sustainable print projects.

GREEN scene
October 1, 2008

Printing Impressions' Sustainable Printing News for October 2008