Digital Printing-Wide Format - Flatbed

Beeline and Blue of Des Moines, IA, Creates a Niche in Wide-Format Wrapping
August 1, 2014

For a small printing company in a small state and operating in a small market, Beeline and Blue has a penchant for thinking big. Wide-format digital printing in general and the Digital Décor solution in particular are definitely the main talking points in Beeline and Blue's future.

Canon Highlights Océ Arizona 6100 Series of Wide-Format Printers at Customer Event In Vancouver
June 1, 2014

More than 60 clients and prospects from 10 countries converged on the Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, to attend a recent Canon VIP Customer Event, which featured a live demonstration of the new wide-format Océ Arizona 6100 series at Océ's regional office in suburban Richmond, British Columbia. The series includes the six-color Océ Arizona 6160 XTS and the seven-color 6170 XTS.

Furniture Manufacturer Ventures into Printing for Hospitality Industry
May 28, 2014

Solid Comfort, a Fargo-based manufacturer of hotel furniture since 1985, has embarked on a new venture with roots in the hospitality industry.

A branch of the company, doing business as Solid Signs and Designs, prints patterns, designs, photos and more on wood, metal and a number of other materials through the use of a flatbed digital printer.

The endeavor started six years ago when a Marriott hotel brand spec called for a headboard with a pattern of black lines across it.