Finishing - Digital

How Printers are Handling the Finishing of Digitally Outputted Printing
June 24, 2015 at 1:14 pm

At the beginning of the digital printing era, there were legitimate concerns about certain types of finishing equipment not being tailored to this type of work. Vendors replied in kind but, printers being printers, found new applications that complicated matters even further. We’ve rounded up a group of well-known printers—practically celebrities in their field—to offer the whats and whys behind their approach to binding and finishing.

How Digital Is Re-Shaping Finishing
June 1, 2015 at 8:51 am

Back in the day, the bindery (and finishing in general) was a fairly distinct environment, with some established processes and workflows that had not changed in many decades, (or longer!). This continued to be the case up until several years ago, when high-speed continuous inkjet presses began to take off.